List of Companies in Korčula, Croatia
Searching for businesses in Korčula? Explore a directory of 122 companies located in Korčula, Croatia. Top companies in Croatia, businesses near me.
We found 122 companies
Hrvatski Zavod Za Zapošljavanje
Ulica 41 b.b., 20260, Korčula
The Croatian Employment Service is a public institution owned by the Republic of Croatia, constituted under Law on mediation in employment and entitlements during unemployment, aimed at resolving employment and unemployment related issues in their broadest sen...
1Državna Geodetska Uprava - Ured Za Katastar
Šetalište F. Kršinića b.b., 20260, Korčula
U obavljanju izvršne vlasti Vlada određuje, usmjerava i usklađuje provedbu politika i programa te u tu svrhu predlaže i donosi strategije, daje smjernice, donosi akte te poduzima druge mjere potrebne za uređenje odnosa iz područja svoje nadležnosti. Po načelu ...
Put svetog Antuna 133b, 20260, Korčula
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